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LG G3 vs LG G2 Comparison

LG G3 vs LG G2 Comparison
We take a look at the LG G3 vs LG G2. What did LG improve in the G3 over the G2? Is it worth to upgrade?

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LG G3 vs LG G2: Seeing where the new improved over the old

It hasn’t even been a full year since we reviewed the LG G2 and we have the LG G3. It’s amazing how quickly we are getting the next versions of smartphones now. Looking at the LG G3 vs the LG G2 we’re going to look at where the LG G3 improves against its predecessor.

The LG G2 was a game changer for LG with a 5.2 inch HD display, 13 Megapixel camera with OIS, quad-core processor (Snapdragon 800), 2 GB of Ram and 32 GB of storage. This was by far the most powerful phone LG had put out at the time but now the LG G3 takes it place with a larger 5.5 inch display with QHD resolution, 13 Megapixel camera with OIS and laser auto focus, 4K video recording, a new quad-core processor (Snapdragon 801), 2 GB or 3 GB ram options and 16 GB or 32 GB storage options with micro SD card support and 3,000 mAH battery.

Now some of the key upgrades on the LG G3 vs LG G2 is the QHD display. It’s a 2560 x 1140 with 538 PPI. It’s currently the sharpest and highest resolution desktop on a smartphone. The camera while still 13 megapixels but is the only smartphone currently to include OIS and now has laser auto focus. There is a small laser port next the camera that helps the LG G3’s camera focus as fast as possible to take the best picture. The next key feature seems small but I think helps the LG G3 compete better in the android smartphone space with micro SD card support and removable battery. Those are two key features that android users love.

Take a look at our LG G3 vs LG G2 video where we take a closer look and where LG made the key improvements to make the LG G3 better.

LG G3 vs LG G2 Comparison

About the author

Warren Bowman

I have a deep passion for everything tech. From gadgets to gaming I get it all and love giving my opinions, reviews and analysis on all things tech. Live Your Tech World In High Definition!


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