Home | Gaming | E3 Opens To The Public. Tickets On Sale February 13

E3 Opens To The Public. Tickets On Sale February 13

E3 Expo
E3 Logo

For the first time in the show’s history, the Electronics Entertainment Expo better know as E3 will sell tickets to the public.  Tickets go on sale starting next Monday Feburarary 13. Prices start at $150 for early bird special tickets and $250 after the special ends with 15,000 tickets available.

For years fans have been asking for E3 to allow public access and not just available for those that work in the gaming industry. Last year the ESA (who operates E3) did an experiment event with E3 Live located right outside the convention center. It was free and open to the public, and the response brought “incredible attendee enthusiasm” said ESA’s senior VP of communications Richa Taylor.  “The feedback we heard was clear–they wanted to play the games inside the convention center. Also, exhibitors inside the convention center wanted to have access to the fans. So this year we’re bringing the two together,” Taylor said.

E3 this year is from June 13 – 15 at the Los Angeles Convention Center with more than 200 exhibitors expected to be there for the event.

This will be an interesting mix of industry/media and public. I do wonder what they will have planned for media with these new changes coming along. We look forward to hearing all the details next week officially when public tickets go on sale. This may be what E3 needs to bring back the energy it once had.

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About the author

Warren Bowman

I have a deep passion for everything tech. From gadgets to gaming I get it all and love giving my opinions, reviews and analysis on all things tech. Live Your Tech World In High Definition!


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