Home | Gaming | Nintendo Switch 5.0 Update: Find Friends Easier, New Icons and Parental Controls

Nintendo Switch 5.0 Update: Find Friends Easier, New Icons and Parental Controls

Nintendo Switch
Image Via MyNintendoNews
The New Nintendo Switch 5.0 Updates makes finding friends easier using Facebook and Twitter, adds new icons to choose from and gives parents better control over game selections.

Switch 5.0 Update brings small but welcomed new features

Nintendo recently releases the Switch 5.0 update for their popular hybrid console. While you would think 5.0 would bring big changes this update is actually more on the smaller side. The feature that many will like is the ability to find friends to connect with using Facebook or Twitter (as long as you have them connected and 13 & Up). This will make a lot of folks happen as Nintendo hasn’t always made it easy to connect with your friends. The update also brings 24 new icons to choose from with Arms and Kirby characters. Parents will also be able to type in their pin with the controller and the ability to whitelist games that were previously on the restricted list.

The rest of the update is mostly incremental changes and bug fixes. We are a year into Nintendo’s new console, and the most request feature for a full Virtual Console is non-existent. While some classic games have shown up in the eShop. It pales in comparison to retro gaming feel that the Virtual Controls brought to the Wii, Wii U and 3DS line. Let’s hope we see this show up in 2018. Many would also like to see theme support. This is already available on the 3DS and 2DS and competitors PS4 and Xbox One. This should be an easy addition that really should already be here.

If you’re looking for the Switch 5.0 update, it should be auto download when your console is sleeping, but if you’re in a rush to grab it, you can go into system settings and manually download it. The full list of what’s new in the update is below.

Nintendo Switch System Update

Nintendo Switch 5.0 Update Notes:

  • Facebook and Twitter friends that also use Nintendo Switch can now be added through Friend Suggestions
  • Using the Nintendo Switch Parental Controls app, add specific software titles to your whitelist to exclude them from the console’s Parental Controls Restricted Software setting
  • Captured videos in the Album will be restricted by Parental Controls depending on the Restricted Software setting and Software Rating Organization
  • To keep the Parental Controls PIN private, the default method for PIN entry has been changed to entering using the Control Stick and buttons instead of the on-screen number pad
  • Select from 24 new ARMS and the Kirby series icons for your user
  • Digital software purchases made from a PC or smart device will start downloading sooner than previously, even if the Nintendo Switch console is in Sleep Mode
  • Receive a notification when pre-purchased software is ready to play
  • Filter News to view only unread news or news from specific channels
  • Nintendo Switch Pro Controller grip colors will now display in the Controllers menu

About the author

Warren Bowman

I have a deep passion for everything tech. From gadgets to gaming I get it all and love giving my opinions, reviews and analysis on all things tech. Live Your Tech World In High Definition!


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