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HTC “BE Edgier” Event Happening September 20th

HTC Be Edgier Event
HTC is set to announce a brand new device on 9/20. Will it be the new HTC One A10?

We just receive an invite to join HTC for an event happening on September 20th at 8 Am BST (3 AM EST for us).  The invite includes the term “Be Edgier” which is the same term used in a teaser video the released a few weeks ago on Twitter.

The video shows the edges of a phone and the back of a phone near the camera. Not too much detail beyond that. Most likely this event will reveal the new HTC One A10, a follow-up to the One A9 from last year.  If I were to guess the specs would be similar to last years One A9 with an all smooth metal design and an improved camera with the camera lens from the video looks to be a lot larger.  The “tiger” part could refer to an edge display like the Galaxy S7 Edge, but I’m not totally counting on that as HTC has been in the mode of playing it as safe as possible recently.

We’re about eight days away from finding out but let me know what you want HTC to announce next Tuesday? We’ll be able to watch it at htc.com/launch.


About the author

Chuey Okoye

I'm an avid gamer and tech enthusiast. When I'm not playing League of Legends you can find me catching up on the latest tech and hanging with some good friends


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