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Kingston Wi-Drive Review

The Kingston Wi-Drive is a solid portable wi-fi sharing soulution. See why in our review.

The Kingston Wi-Drive is a device that is solving an issue that you may have not or not even though of yet. Today many smartphone and tablet devices are coming with non expandable storage which limits you to just what you have on the device and once you fill it up your done and you will have to start deleting content. This is a big issue especially one smartphones that no only people put their music, TV shows, and apps on but they also take personal pictures and videos with as well which a lot of the times you want to keep with you to show off but don’t always want uploaded online for everyone to see. This is where the Kingston Wi-Drive is the answer to this problem.


The Wi-Drive is a wireless flash-based storage solution that comes in 16 GB, 32 GB and even 64 GB sizes. It’s about the size of an iPod Touch 4G just a bit longer and is light and sleek enough to fit right into your pocket. The wireless drive is also paired with an app that is available for both Android  and iOS devices. To get content on the drive all you need to do is plug it into you computer’s USB port. It will show up as a standard storage drive and you just drag and drop your content over. You also charge the Wi-Drive via the USB connection with battery life lasting though about 4 HD movies.

Connecting is simple all you need to do is hold down the clear power button on the Wi-Drive and wait for it to boot up. Once it’s up you will need to turn the Wi-Fi on your Android or iOS device, either smartphone or tablet. Go into your wi-fi settings and connect to the Wi-Drive device. Then from there you will want to download the App from Google Play Store or App Store, just search for Wi-Drive. From there you want to open the app and you will see two options, the Wi-Drive and Local storage. Select Wi-Drive and you’ll see your content and you can take the rest from there.  Codec compatibility on video will vary from device but I found it plays .mkv and .mp4 files just fine. The Wi-Drive supports up to 3 devices and you can all stream different or the same content at the same time flawlessly. The Wi-Fi flash drive can also act as a hotspot for your connected devices by going into the settings and connecting it to a Wi-Fi connection.


The Wi-Drive is the easiest way to get more storage on the go and share your favorite movies, music and pictures with others. It’s also a pretty affordable option with prices as low as $40 for the 16 GB model.  If you’re looking to share files and expand storage on that smartphone or tablet the Kingston Wi-Drive is great option to go with.

About the author

Warren Bowman

I have a deep passion for everything tech. From gadgets to gaming I get it all and love giving my opinions, reviews and analysis on all things tech. Live Your Tech World In High Definition!


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