Home | Gaming | Sega offers Sonic Mania Collectors Edition Bundle

Sega offers Sonic Mania Collectors Edition Bundle

The bundle comes in a classic Sega Genesis box to bring back those childhood memories.

Sega is set to release Sonic Mania in Spring 2017, but they are looking to get your nostalgia for the classic 2D speed platform running now with the latest Sonic Mania Collectors Edition bundle. The collector’s edition comes in a box designed as the original Sega Genesis box and includes;

  •  A  collector’s card with a download key
  • a 12-inch statue of Sonic standing on top of an original Sega Genesis with the classic “SEGA” startup audio
  •  Sega Cartridge that includes a golden ring inside of it

You can pre-order it now, and it will set you back $69.99.  Sega’s even created a 90s style commercial for it.

Via: Engadget

Source:  Sonic Mania

About the author

Chuey Okoye

I'm an avid gamer and tech enthusiast. When I'm not playing League of Legends you can find me catching up on the latest tech and hanging with some good friends


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